Next Service: Shacharit & Musaf at 09:30AM
The Main Sanctuary Entrance to the Simon Kuper Hall Sifrei Torah in the Main Sanctuary Hall of Remembrance The Minor Synagogue


The Oxford Shul is situated in Riviera, Johannesburg, near the suburbs of Saxonwold, Houghton and Killarney. It has been in existence for over 80 years

The Synagogue sees to the needs of the community by providing regular services. It is an ideal venue for marriages, Bar-Mitzvahs and other life cycle ceremonies. The Synagogue also provides adult education and special services for children, youth and seniors. There are also many cultural and social activities. 

The spiritual leadership is provided by Rabbi Yossi Chaikin, who has serviced the congregation since 2000. He delivers sermons, numerous shiurim and sees to the needs of individual congregants. 

The synagogue publishes a monthly newsletter, which is sent to all member families and is also available online. “The Oxfordian” is a weekly pamphlet, replete with synagogue news, which is distributed at the synagogue every Shabbat, and is also available via email by request. The synagogue also keeps its congregation informed of events via an WhatsApp service. Information about past and future events can also be found on Facebook

The synagogue campus stretches over several acres of land. 

The majestic main sanctuary, which seats 1500, is the largest in Africa. Services take place in the main sanctuary on major holidays. The main sanctuary is also used for marriage ceremonies. 

A smaller synagogue on the campus is used for all morning and evening services during the rest of the year. 

The magnificent gardens in front of the synagogue are used for marriages, brochas on a Shabbat morning (weather permitting) and many other functions. 

The synagogue boasts a spacious youth centre, with rooms dedicated for the children to play and for the teenagers to spend time and a huge adventure jungle gym. A nursery school uses part of those premises during weekdays.